JPA – Simple JPQL with TypeQuery
This tutorial demonstrate using JPA2.0 with JQPL with TypeQuery and hibernate as vendor provider.
This tutorial demonstrate using JPA2.0 with JQPL with TypeQuery and hibernate as vendor provider.
This tutorial demonstrate using JPA2.0 with NamedQuery and hibernate as vendor provider.
This article demonstrate how to use JdbcDaoSupport in Spring JavaConfig.
Join Point – A point of execution of a program, such as a method call or exception thrown Pointcut – A expression that selects on one or more join points Advice – Code to be executed at each selected join
Example 1: ProxyFactory + Advice The first example will show you how to use ProxyFactory with advice and target object. 1) Create a target object need to be advice. 2) Create an advice class and add it into ProxyFactory. 3) Create a new proxy object via ProxyFactory getProxy() method. 4)
Suppose I have a POJO called Address, I’d like to load external resource data and replace the address line1 and line2 value.
Bean post-processors, a special kind of spring bean that able to received bean lifecycle callback at various stages (initialisation/destruction), and perform additional task on each bean before it’s initialisation. Example, RequiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor is a spring bean post processor, it responsibility is to check
Let’s look at how the custom property editor do the job for us. Before that I’ll first demo if we didn’t use PropertyEditor, Spring will not understand what exactly the type and how can convert. Therefore exception are throw. public
Using SpEL is easy for externalise the value. This simple example demonstrate how to use spring expression language. Create a POJO MySetting @Component(“mySetting”) public class MySetting { private String username = “admin”; private String password = “p@ssword1”; private String database =
In this tutorial, I’ll show you how you can achieve a simple console apps that you’d like to pre-configure a set of question.