Spring mvc portlet form annotation validation

In this tutorial I’ll show you how to use the annotation way to validate your form in portlet with spring mvc.
In this tutorial I’ll show you how to use the annotation way to validate your form in portlet with spring mvc.
The following tutorial will demo how to write a simple web application using spring mvc and thymeleaf and read the jenkin job rss feed and how to include the certificate.
This is not the new thing to discover, but just a common mistake done by developer. The following stack trace is what i getting from my log file. In this example, i’ll show you the code where it actually cause
This tutorial I’ll show you how to create the autocomple with jQuery plugin with liferay portlet serve as backend code. The example was using flexjson 1.9.1 to serialize the object as json output string and you can download the source code here.
Portlet 2.0 support inter-portlet communication, the following simple example show the step by step together using spring and portlet. You may download the source from here
This example I’ll show how to get message properties value from server side.
Problem: when we have enum values to display on the form:select tag. Sometimes and it will hits the problem like cannot convert from the XX.Type to YY.Type.