Namecheap, Cloudflare, Amazon EC2

This article was talking about how to associate your domain to cloudflare with your amazon EC2 instance.

 Amazon EC2

  1. From your amazon dashboard select EC2.
  2. Skip the following if you’ve already done.
  3. Select Elastic IP > Allocate New Address.
  4. From the Action button associate with your EC2 instance.
  5. From the left menu, click Instance.
  6. Select the instance you want to connect.
  7. Copy the public DNS and public IP, we will use it later.


  1. Login to your cloudflare account.
  2. From the top menu, click add site.
  3. Enter your register domain and click scan button.
  4. After scanning complete, it will show you DNS form.
  5. If the form didn’t appear click from the DNS icon from the top menu.
  6. As for this tutorial, we only use A and CNAME
  7. Enter the following information:
    A: Name = Value = Your public IP
    CNAME: Name = www Value = Your public DNS
  8. Finally click the orange cloud icon on the status column to establish the connection.


  1. Login to your namecheap account
  2. Select your domain and click edit selected.
  3. Select Domain name server setup from the left menu.
  4. Select the option Specify Custom DNS Servers ( Your own DNS Servers )
  5. Enter the following dns and remove the rest and you’ve done.

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Namecheap, Cloudflare, Amazon EC2

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