Simple tutorial to show some command that let you operate with your postgreSQL and schema.
Connect to your database.
Let’s say is your postgres host.
psql -h 10.XX.XX.185 -U postgres
List databases
Every schema were attached with a database, now connect to the database.
\c [database_name]
List all schema tables
\dt *.*
List particular schema tables
\dt scheduler.*
Describe table
\d [schema].[table_name]
Sample alter command
ALTER TABLE [schema].[column] ALTER COLUMN [column_name] TYPE text;
Backup command
./pg_dump -h {db-host} -U {username} {database} -f {path_to_backup.sql} Eg: ./pg_dump -h -U postgres -d mydatabase -f mydatabase.sql
Restore command
./psql -h {db-host} -U {username} -d {database} -f {path_to_backup.sql} Eg: ./psql -U postgres -d mydatabase -f /Users/mingch/Documents/mydatabase.sql
Postgres Schema